Canada: Despite no public sex offender registry, recidivism rate has dropped by nearly 70%

Source: 12/20/22

Study led by Professor Patrick Lussier shows significant decline in recidivism of sex crimes in Canada over 80 years

Encouraging news: between 1940 and 2019, the recidivism rate of sex offenders in this country has dropped by nearly 70%, according to a study published in the journal Criminology and Public Policy. Improved knowledge of sexual offending and training of criminal justice officials could explain these results, argues Patrick Lussier, a professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology and leader of the meta-analysis.

Over a two-year period, her research team surveyed the entire Canadian scientific literature on the subject. They reviewed 185 studies that had analyzed the recidivism rates of 226 groups of sex offenders across the country and over time, bringing the sample to 55,944 offenders.

The results showed that between 1940 and 1979, the weighted average recidivism rate was 23%, whereas today it is around 7%. Hence the drop to almost 70%.

“I don’t think we can attribute the decline in Canada since the 1970s and 1980s to any one law or measure; I think it’s a combination of factors,” says Professor Lussier. The researcher points out that this dramatic decline began at least 20 years before the Canadian sex offender registry was established in 2004. “This non-public registry, which is essentially intended to facilitate the work of investigators, is not the cause of this drop; we must look elsewhere.”

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I would suggest that we consider providing a copy of the full article above, and perhaps a short excerpt or two from the referenced study, to any of the legislators with whom we meet during the upcoming “lobbying day” in Sacramento. I’m sure there will be an opportunity during the course of our conversations in which this supportive data can be referenced and discussed effectively.

It’s interesting they also state that there’s a study forthcoming about the United States sex offender registry. It’d be interesting to get a hold of whoever is doing that and see what their statistics really are, and how we can present it and use it as I can already assume that it’s not as horrific as “frightening and high” as presented by most people in the political realm.

The porn industry grew giving wayward men a means to vent so to speak there pent up frustrations responsibly sparing the public of any harm